Thursday, February 13, 2003

So I've finally caved into peer pressure and started my own blog. Well alright, I wasn't actually pressured into it. It was more out of indignation when Lat made fun of me at dinner for watching an average of one hour of TV a day and I freely admitted that I have to watch Smallville and Alias each week.
"You're ADDICTED!!" he crowed. After telling me the number of hours I waste in a year being a slave to that evil medium which is television, along a whole bunch of other things that I wasn't listening to, he said, "Go start a blog or something."

So I did. The truth is though, and I must confess, I miss writing. English was one of my favorite courses at CEGEP. The last class I took which required some form of essay writing was "Communications in Engineering" at McGill, a course in which we were taught to write memos and use a dictionary properly. It confirmed to me that every other faculty at the university thinks that engineers are completely incapable of penning a coherent statement. But I digress. This will be my creative outlet. And maybe this will prove to you that the working world IS quite exciting. You should have seen the state of panic at my office when we ran out of creamers for the coffee yesterday.

Well, stay tuned peeps. In addition to my random musings about the meaning of life, why pi is an infinite number and the reason that bread always falls with the buttered down, I will divulge juicy gossip about all my friends. JUST KIDDING!!


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