an angry work-related rant
So there I was the other day, sitting at my desk, somewhat frustrated with my work. Frustrated in a good way though, because what I was working on actually required some thinking and problem solving. It was challenging - much unlike the mindless tasks delegated to me in the last little while.
In this post-feminist, make-your-own-coffee and do-your-photocopying era, I never would have expected the vice-president to approach my desk, carelessly toss me a CD and say “There’s about 50 drawings on that – would you print them out for me? Thanks.”
What am I, your all-purpose engineer/girl Friday? Sorry, I didn’t notice that on the job description. Maybe that’s how they should describe this job position – because it will be vacant after I high-tail it out of here.
I don’t know if I’m being ultra-sensitive or rightfully peeved. For starters, it would have been nice to say something along the lines of : “I’m really pressed for time today - could you do me a favor and print these out for me when you get a chance?” Let me make one thing clear – I do not report to this VP. In fact, I have never worked on any project with him or for him.
The way the vice-president just tossed the task on me said two things loud and clear:
1) Because I am higher up in the corporate chain, menial tasks such as printing drawings are beneath me and not worth my time. So you do it, since it appears your time is less valuable than mine.
2) I’m too stupid and too lazy to open AutoCAD and print these myself.
Might I add that shortly afterwards he was laughing and chatting with another director just down the hall for a good while, while I scrambling to print the drawings out and write a damage tolerance analysis report at the same time.
Am I being ridiculous for being peeved, guys? Impart your words of wisdom on me, please!
ange versus the world
tales of a diva wannabe on a low-carb diet. (sorry, you won't be finding any recipe ideas here.)
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