7 - roughly the number of minutes it takes for me to drive from Tim's apartment on Cote-St-Luc Rd to the bus station on Berri and Maisonneuve (assuming there are no people blocking intersections on the way there).
2 - number of cups of coffee I drink in an average workday
3 - number of cups of coffee I drink in a stressful workday
10 - on average, the number of minutes I'm late by picking up my carpool buddy and friend Alex each morning.
8 - number of singers in my gospel choir
4 - number of grueling years I spent studying engineering at McGill only to forget almost everything learned due to mind-numbingly boring tasks I carry out at work.
0.25 - number of hours I'm predicting will elapse before I start getting bored at my office Christmas party tomorrow night.
1 - number of drinks I will probably have at this office Christmas party
4 - number of drinks I would have if I didn't have to drive and then go to a choir practice at church at 10pm.
9 - as of today, number of days 'til Christmas vacation. Yay!
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