Tuesday, March 25, 2003

i think my friends and i might have scared the quiet patrons at chu chai this past friday night.

chu chai, in case you don't know, is a vegetarian thai restaurant on st-denis. its subdued lighting and decor is somewhat reminiscent of a monastery - but with carpeting and imported bottled water sitting on each table. aside from my relatively boisterous table the rest of clientele looked to me like the intellectual, environmentally and health concious types (why else would they be enjoying such temptous fare such as "vegeterian chicken with spicy sauce and coconut milk" or "vegeterian shrimp with eggplant and cashews". on a side note, their "chicken" tasted like real chicken. which makes me wonder...doesn't the restauranteur have to know what real meat tastes like in order to know what they're selling is good? and wouldn't vegetarians, assuming they haven't had meat in a while, forget what real meat tastes like anyway?) anyway, the rest of othe customers were probably discussing the latest work by Magaret Atwood or expressing their dismay at the current environmental policies. no doubt our peals of laughter ("so what did he say? WHAT DID HE SAY?" and "so, what color DID you buy it in?") pierced the serene calm and drew a few glances.

my friend sima said we probably sounded really young...which i guess we are. during the day we masquerade as teachers, engineers, marketing associates and aspiring financial analysts. (of couse no one would have guessed by listening in on our conversation.) i think the pent-up girliness that has to be tucked away while attempting to maintain a professional demeanor threatens to explode once in a while if an outlet isn't provided at regular intervals (regular meaning once a day). who am i supposed to say these things to...my co-workers? and destroy 6 months of hard work convincing them that i'm actually 23 and not 19. whatever.


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