The John Mayer concert is tomorrow night and I am very excited. I've been looking forward to it since I bought the tickets.
In fact, this entire month is jammed pack with activites: the concert, two weddings (next weekend and one after), and just this past weekend, a trip to Tremblant. I'll have to post some highlights of the trip - check back soon because it will be quite the interesting read. =)
In other news, I just made my life a heck of a lot busier by joining a gospel choir. The dancing that I had to do for my audition actually paid off. Don't ask me to do a repeat performance for you because every time I try to mentally picture myself dancing at that audition I break out into goosebumps. When I find out the concert schedule I'll post that up too.
ange versus the world
tales of a diva wannabe on a low-carb diet. (sorry, you won't be finding any recipe ideas here.)
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