Happy One Year Anniversary to me!
Today marks the first anniversary of my blog.
In one year I have moved out, experienced glorious freedom from parental authority and the satisfaction of self-sufficiency, and then...moved back home.
In one year, I have bought a brand new car, had the passenger window shatter spontaneously while driving over the Champlain bridge, gotten into a minor accident while travelling in Toronto, had the passenger side mirror broken off by some random drunkard, and put almost 35000 km on it. I try not to think about how much its depreciated since then and how much more I have to shell out in car payments, lest I start crying.
Throughout this past year, I have vowed to find a new job. I'm still working here, with psycho-lady, creepy Latino guy, and the fork stealer.
Instead of offering you fresh reading material, I will shamelessly follow in the path of most commemorative programs and simply fill this space with, er...filler...and give you a list of what I think were the 5 best posts of the year. Sorry if you feel gypped. Happy reading!
1.the infamous chairlift incident
3.a hard lesson learned
5.amusement parks and waterslides
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