Monday, April 14, 2003

You know you work REALLY far when...

So there I was on a leisurely saturday afternoon (or sunday...i can't remember...that's how good my weekend was!), relaxing at kitchen table, basking in the warm sunshine streaming through patio doors. I opened the newspaper and took a sip of my juice, scanning the headlines when a small side item caught my eye: "Driver dies in collision with moose". How awful, I thought, and proceeded to read the rest of item. "The accident occured on Highway 50 near Mirabel Airport when a moose wandered onto the..."

People, that's literally a stone's throw away from my office. If you didn't believe that I work in the backcountry wilderness of Quebec, believe it now.

Dad Humor on Election Day

"I think people are going to vote Liberal this time around," said my dad nonchalantly today, while I sat reading the paper at the kitchen table (um, are you seeing a trend here?)

"Really," I replied in my usual half-interested manner.

"Yeah, I think so. It's time for a regime change!" He beamed, proud of his own joke. "A regime change! Hahaha!"

I stared at him for a few seconds, undecisive about whether to roll my eyes or give a sharp sarcastic laugh. In the end I decided a combination of both would be suffice to drive the point home.

Undaunted by my obvious lack of enthusiasm, my dad continued. "Well, at least we can thank the PQ for keeping SARS out of Quebec."

"Whaat?" I replied, slightly bewildered.

"They've made people are so poor now, they can't even afford to travel!" This time around he got a half-hearted response from me and my mom. Things tend to be funnier when they're true.

"At least you had some sort of reaction to his jokes," my mom told me. "Your brother just stood up and walked out without a word."


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