Monday, July 14, 2003

monday, once again confirmed as the worst day of the week

the day started off promising enough. i awoke this morning, awash in the rays of sunshine streaming through my window. the first thing i saw as i opened my eyes was the clear blue sky, indicating a glorious summer day ahead.

Exactly half a nanosecond later i sat up in alarm as i realized it was monday and squinted at my clock. 8:26 am. Groaning, I realized that I must set my alarm clock to 5:45 pm by accident. Now I was going to be late for work.

Then another wave of panic hit me and I bolted out of bed, leaped to the window in one bound, flung aside the curtain and peered out onto the street below. Even without my glasses on, the off-white papery-looking object pinned under my windshield wiper, obstensibly fluttering away happily in the (not-so) early morning breeze, was unmistakably a parking ticket, dishing out my penalty for daring to park on that side of street between 7 and 8 am, on a Monday or Thursday. I was being punished for accidentally sleeping in.

On my frantic journey into work, I had to swerve around several pedestrians who decided to wander aimlessly into the middle of the street without a care in the world. I also managed to hit traffic on a stretch of road that is normally clear of congestion.

And finally, mid-morning, I managed to spill my cup of coffee all over my desk. It was one of those events where time seems to slow down and all you do is watch in open-mouthed horror as catastrophe unfolds before your very eyes and there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. So I watched as waves of coffee spilled out of my mug, soaking drawings, papers and books that belong to my boss, and then making like a waterfall over the edge of my desk, splashing onto my foot and creating an unsightly stain on the carpet.

Did I mention that the new customer service rep who only started working here about two month ago just took off on her two-week vacation? Apparently you can negotiate these things when they hire you. And being the fresh-out-of-university-and-I-need-a-job-really-bad gal that I was at the time, I didn't.

I hate mondays.


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