what the heck is a moo-moo?
to address the questions i've received regarding my last post:
a moo-moo is a shapeless garment that, supposedly according to the Simpsons, extremely overweight people wear. it comes in a variety of flowered patterns and may or may not be accesorized with a hat.
and now i suppose the question is, "Simpsons?! Whatcha talkin' about, Willis?" Die-hard fans will recall the episode where Homer purposely gains weight to obtain "legally disabled" status so he can work from home. The classic line from this episode is when Homer sits down at the computer for the first time and reads what's written on the screen: " 'To start, press any any key'. Hey, where's the 'anykey'?"
And oh yeah, he goes out shopping and purchases several flowered moo-moos. That's where the reference is from.
Alright, now I must get back to work.
ange versus the world
tales of a diva wannabe on a low-carb diet. (sorry, you won't be finding any recipe ideas here.)
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