Monday, April 26, 2004


(a satisfied sigh)

Warning: the following is sort of a boring post. Sorry. I'm racking my brain for some interesing anecdote to share.

It's so very nice to be working in a professional environment where personal growth is encouraged, the job is interesting and challenging, benefits are a-plenty, coffee is abundant (although sadly, not free) and the drive is 15 minutes or less. (I clocked my drive home at 12 minutes).

The drawbacks on the first day of work: walking close to 5 minutes to my car through a parking lot, that viewed through the window, is a sea of glass and metal; walking for 5 minutes in light drizzle that left my carefully and meticulously blow-dried hair a frizzy mess; getting lost going back to my desk after a staff meeting (but there was free coffee at that meeting at least).

So I had the week off last week, and even though my last minute plan to travel to Scotland or London or Paris didn't quite work out, I had a good rest. Thanks to Tim, I ate lots of creme brulee, which appears to be his new interest/obsession. And for the first time in many months, I got to sleep more then 8 hours several nights in a row.


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