Monday, April 05, 2004

hooray for me!

OK, to clarify that somewhat cryptic post, I'd to announce that I've accepted a job offer at a really great company on the South Shore! I worked there for two summers when I was still a student at McGill and I'm quite excited to be going back, especially since the work I'll be doing there is pretty much what I've been wanting to do all along. God is so good. :)

By next Friday I'll be bidding farewell to 2 1/2 hours on the road each day. I'm not going to bash or complain about this place anymore since I'm leaving anyway, but I am glad that I will no longer have to endure the awkward (but so hilarious) pseudo-advances of Scary Latino Guy, who, just last week told me how much he missed our "friendship" and if I wanted to catch rides up with him to work again. It took me a whole lot of willpower to supress my laughter in front of him.

I will miss a couple of people here, however, who have been very supportive of my quest for a career change. And I will miss my fabulous spacious desk by the window. My only regret is not having changed desks earlier.


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