and monday rolls around yet again .
i realized that today is july 20th and the summer is more than half over. not that it actually matters for me of course, seeing as i don't have any vacation time left for the rest of the flippin' year. bitter? why, not i!
well, actually, the end of summer will mean the end my happy sojourn downtown, and back to suburban living, home-cooked meals and being able to save for RRSP contributions. it will also mean having to wear socks and shoes again, which i will probably try to put off until mid-November. but let's not even go there yet.
i had a really good weekend. actually, i had a really good week, despite last monday morning's harrowing events. i went on a retreat with my church to a resort hotel near St-Sauveur. I know some people perceived the whole event as being some sort of churchwide vacation prior to it happening, but it was far from it. Sure we had fun and that facilities were quite good but I got a lot out of it and I had a good time talking to people from my church that I normally don't get a chance to because of language or generational or cultural differences. And I could see this weekend that all those things that everyone thought was a barrier or hindrance doesn't have to be because people were having fun and sometimes just really good, meaningful conversation.
the past week was just one packed day after another - Just for laughs comdedy show, street festival, movie, dinners and having friends over . Pikka (my roomie) often wonders aloud how I can come from work and be on the go until midnight or so and wake at the next morning before 6 and go to work and then do it all over again. I'm not too sure myself. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just going to collapse one of these days. I think I'm just trying to squeeze as much out of the summer and urban living as much as I possibly can and have fun while I'm at it.
at the same time though, I'm seriously contemplating whether I should call in sick tomorrow morning and sleep in for the first time in 2 months.
ange versus the world
tales of a diva wannabe on a low-carb diet. (sorry, you won't be finding any recipe ideas here.)
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