Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Dang! Has it really been...

...6 months? What happened?! I didn't even realize that my last post was in November.

Well first of all, work happened. A real job means real responsibility, people! No more time to surf the internet on while on the clock! And in the meantime, my life got incredibly busy. I joined the gym, recorded an album with my gospel choir and was just basically tied up with lots of various weekly commitments that left me with little time to blog. I meant to, though! I started to draft something a while back and found it just tonight on my blog account.


Dear Mr. President of the Fox Television Network,

I was so very sad that I did not get a chance to watch the last reality special you offered to the viewing public, "Who's Your Daddy?".

The show inspired me - if a father who gave up his daughter at birth could be reunited with her with the promise of winning a substantial sum of money, why stop there? I say we continue to raise the bar even higher and exploit every single poor, desperate sucker out there who wants their 15 minutes of fame and instant cash! Bleed them all dry!

How about a show where you line up a dozen couples who are on the brink of divorce and have their respective children battle it out to keep their families together! Every week, the children from each family should go through a series of "challenges" to determine which family will be eliminated for the week. You could have the child contestants undergo challenges like spelling bees, dodgeball matches and difficult household chores like floor waxing and roof gutter cleaning (with no ladder provided!). Wouldn't that be such a hoot? The eliminated families will head straight to divorce court and the winning family at the end of the season gets 4 free months of marital counselling and an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World!


I didn't finish it and I don't feel like finishing it. So there.

Here's a very quick re-cap of my life happenings since December, in no particular order:

- I moved to a new house! Oh wait...that was in September. Never mind.

- I put up Christmas lights. With Tim. At around Christmas time.

- Went to NYC in February with Tim, Joe, Jason P and Andrea, Tim's roomie and spent most of the weekend either running around looking for people (the ones mentioned above) or places (because we -being Tim and I- had to meet up with them and we were always late or lost). I also spent too much money.

- Went on a whirwind trip to London and Rome in the span of a week with Sana at the end of May. It was great and I really should post some pictures up soon!

- Worked really really hard on recording an album with my gospel choir, the Choir of Reconcilation. We had two recording concerts in April that ROCKED. Those of you who could have come and missed it should be ashamed. Just kidding! But not really.

- Changed departments (temporary) at work. I was pretty much kidnapped out of my old department into another department and given a role that has a lot more responsibility. It's pretty much like a promotion. For someone who had no intentions of climbing the corporate ladder, this is pretty darn good. At the time of the offer I was rather flattered and humbled at the same time. Now that I work longer hours, I'm just tired. But it's all good.

- Attended Lynn and Lat's nuptials in March! Their wedding vows made me cry. The song I sang with Ivanna and Lil made Lynn cry. Hee!

- Survived a fire in my house. I can almost hear the choruses of "WHA-?" Yeah I know, but it's true. Thankfully it wasn't too bad - the bulk of the damage was in the basement where the fire started but the rest of house sustained a bit of smoke damage. So the whole house had to be re-painted and re-wallpapered. Our basement has to be redone completely. If there's a lesson to be learned boys and girls - make sure your smoke detectors are in working order because that seriously saved our lives. Well, God saved our lived but you know what I mean. We could have slept right through it and I don't know what would have happened. Well, I mean I could definitely hazard a guess but it's too much morbid to write out. We lived in a hotel for more than a month, which, quite frankly, sucked. But I really shouldn't complain because things could be much worse. Overall, I am thankful.

- Moved in AGAIN last tuesday (post-fire). There are boxes. Big boxes. EVERYWHERE. It's no picnic everyone, having to look for clean underwear in cardboard boxes because not all your furniture has been delivered yet and all you have for storage facilites are boxes and/or the floor itself. Check your smoke detectors, ok?

I'm sure a lot more happened but I don't remember very much and now I am tired. I am now reminded how much energy and time it takes to blog. Hope it won't be another six months until I blog again.