Monday, September 20, 2004

Contrivance, thy name is Wicker Park.

Last last friday, I watched "Wicker Park", starring Josh Harnett (who I don't really find all that particularly hot...maybe it's because I find he bears an uncanny resemblance to Tommy Lee Jones.) The trailers made it out to be a lot more suspenseful and thriller-esque than it actually was. What kept the movie afloat was its crazily convoluted plotline, which kept my head spinning and my attention riveted to the ever-changing story.

Which is to say, I enjoyed it.

Tim didn't particularly like it. He explained in great detail to me how every crucial turn in the story was so contrived, how all the twists were so obviously set-up and how the writers must have thought they were so clever, until I hated the movie too.

(Well, I didn't really hate just sounded so much more dramatic than "dislike". Blogwriting is all about the drama.)

life without internet

as my wise friend sandy once said, a computer without internet access is "a box. just a box!!"

here`s an excerpt of an email I wrote to the worship team at church just two minutes ago:

"i have no internet access at home. i have no access to hotmail at work. my computer at work doesn`t have a floppy drive but has a cd-reader. my computer that has the worship team schedule file has a floppy drive, cd reader, but no cd burner. my other computer that has a cd burner is still lying around the new house in its various seperated components. i am now writing from the public library, on which hotmail is for reason not allowed, but i found a way around it. this keyboard is french. I AM LIVING A TECHNOLOGICAL NIGHTMARE!"

for some stupid, stupid reason, we cannot access the internet at home until our phone line has been "upgraded". it sounds like a repeat of our last attempt to get high speed internet.

you can laugh at me all you want and leave your snarky comments in the comment box. i can't check them anyway! HA!
