Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Shut up, Eva Longoria

So I was reading the newspaper yesterday morning as I was having my breakfast,and I flipped to the Arts and Entertainment section when I spied a small article on the 2005 MTV music awards (VMAs). It was mostly covering the fashion of course, because who are we kidding, MTV isn't about actual musical artistry anyway. So there was this line about Eva Longoria, the starlet of Desperate Housewives fame, showing up to the event in nothing more than a one-piece bathing suit and simpering to the audience "I wasn't going to let a little thing like a hurricane keep me from wearing my bathing suit."

Well, I just about choked on my cereal and felt a little sickened. A little thing like a hurricane? That's nice, Eva. Trivialize a disaster that has killed possibly hundreds so you can play up your sexpot image. That's right - this "little" hurricane sure didn't keep you from exposing as much of your flesh as possible but its only caused hundreds of thousands - of not millions of people to lose their homes. Of course, we probably can't expect these Hollywood starlets to possibly understand the implications of such horrendous events unless it hits them in their surgically enhanced faces.

I don't normally criticize people by name on this blog, and I don't like to - but I was really just too annoyed.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Worth a thousand words...

So I figured the other day that with all the pictures I take, I should really post them up and share with the world. And so here we are: http://angemala.smugmug.com. It's still a work in progress - I've got a lot of photos I want to put up from various events and trips I've taken in the past year. You can download the pictures as you wish in full resolution! And you don't have to sign up for anything - just click away and enjoy.

Speaking of my camera - it was one of those last-minute purchases I made prior to my trip to the Rockies last summer when my dad told me quite plainly that I could not borrow his digital camera. In a panic, and not wanting to bring my old point-and-shoot embarassing clunker of a film camera - I did some intensive research (which actually consisted of asking three people their opinion on which camera to buy) and bought my camera the night before I left. It was the best investment I've ever made - there's nothing quite like being able to capture a moment in an image, which can sometimes express more than words ever could.