Thursday, February 19, 2004

This is how badly I want to leave my job:

Lately I've begun fantasizing about how it would be like to tell various people around my office that I'm quitting - not that I've found another job yet. But I'm sitting around dreaming up different scenarios like:
"I'm not scanning this entire manual for you. You know why? Because I quit!"
or "What do you mean we're out of paperclips? This is outrageous. I quit!!"
and "So you won't buy me this leather executive chair, huh? You don't think it'll fit in my cubicle, eh? Well fine then! I QUIT!!"

Perhaps I should be taking all that energy and focus it on searching a little harder for a new job.

a big thanks

to all of you guys who came to Crossroads on Sunday. It was very encouraging for me (and for rest of the choir too) to see you guys come out, enjoy yourselves and dance in the aisles and such. I had a good time too and I am thankful that despite how late and rushed everything ran at the beginning, how unprepared we were because we had JUST learned a few of songs on the Wednesday before and we didn't get to warm-up with the band, it turned out great. Praise God!

And mark your calenders: April 25th my choir will coming to take over the English worship service at MCAC.