Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I think I write stupider

So I was re-reading some old posts tonight (come on, admit it, we ALL do it!) and it dawned on me that my writing is nowhere as sharp as it used to be. It's a considerable backslide if you compare posts from 2003 and the last few I've posted. Back in the day there were more syllables, more variety in the vocabulary and more run-on sentences - a sign of pseudo-writing genius and saavy. My newer posts are peppered with the monosyllabic expression "heh" and I keep referring to "people" as in, "Picking underwear off the floor isn't kosher, people". What's happened?

I think I can take some solace in the fact that many people out in the blogging world write like idiots who didn't make it past the third grade. I made the mistake of browsing some random blogs and xangas one night to see if there was anything interesting out there (because there are a few literary gems sometimes) and my eyes were assaulted with people writing words like "krayzee" and "wit" (as opposed to "with") and punctuating every third sentence with "DAYUM!" and "thazz hawtz!". And I man every second word was mutilated. I actually felt my brain cells dying in the shock of it all. For the love of all things sacred, what in the world is going on? Do these people actually think they sound cool? Is sounding like a simpering fool supposed to be "hawtz"? Has "blubbering illiterate chic" taken the cyberworld by storm? So fine - even the lousiest writers have a right to broadcast their...um...thoughts. The internet, after all, is public domain and its not like I'm forced to read these atrocities trying to pass themselves off as comprehenible thought - but they should come with a viewer's discretion advisory. "May be disturbing to readers who know how to READ".

And if any of you ever catch me writing anything like that, please slap me upside the head next time you see me in person.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Climb every mountain...

I went on a short day hike in New Hampshire this past weekend. It was a steep uphill climb to the top and although I was dizzy that I felt like throwing up afterwards, it was worth every ache I now have in my legs.